Friday, December 18, 2009

101 Ideas for your 1001 Days List: Reading, Writing, and Arithmatic

This is one of my favorite categories. Sometimes you need to carve out a little time in your life to curl up with a good book, or pen and paper, or even a calculator.


27. Read a book you enjoyed when you were young to a child
- I would read Eloise to every little girl in the world!

28. Read a book you were supposed to read in high school or college but read the CliffNotes

29. Read a collection of short stories
- I have a few suggestions for you from my very well read buddies
Everything Ravaged, Everything Burned - Wells Tower
Complete Stories - Flannery O'Conner
Unaccustomed Earth - Jhumpa Lahiri
Runaway - Alice Munro

30. Pick a book solely based on its cover


31. Write fan mail

32. Write a novel

34. Write a letter to your senator
- Find your senators address here.

35. Write a screenplay
- Here's how.

Arithmetic - Ok I could only think of one item for arithmetic but let me know if you have any ideas!

36. Create a budget

Song of the Day
Here is a little song about proper punctuation. Please enjoy Vampire Weekend's Oxford Comma.

Today in Positively

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