Friday, June 5, 2009

The Happiness Muzzle

When I’m in a bad mood or I’m dealing with something really heavy, I draw into myself and become recluse. But when I’m happy, good Lord, I won’t shut up! And boy was I happy this past Saturday. One of my oldest, dearest friends was in town and I was so excited to see her. We went to dinner with some of my friends from the city. It was it was one of those random nights which wasn’t planned it all but fell together perfectly. Everyone was in a great mood, laughing and enjoying each other’s company. And I was talking my face off...telling stories, asking questions, making jokes. While it is nice to be talkative and social, I should have taken a deep breath, shut my mouth, and let my guests speak.

So I’m going to invent a Happiness Muzzle. I simple devise that I will slide onto my face which will allow me to sit there smiling at my lovely companions but will keep me from yammering on like a hyper active monkey.

Song of the Day
Today's song was a request and the first song I've played from the Divine Miss M! I had never heard this song but I was told it put will put you in a "finger snapping, toe tapping mood" and it certainly does. Please enjoy Bette Midler's Slow Boat to China.

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